Friday, March 26, 2010

Sharing is Caring

It is a great pleasure when people looking forward for us to be the first person to share their happiness. It show how special we as a person to them. I'm glad that there are a number of people who did that to me and I would like to thanks all of them by show me how special I am.

Yesterday I enjoy a great meal in Fong Lye, a Taiwanese style restaurant located in The Gardens. It's all paid by a special one who want to share her happiness with me. It really mean a lots to me.

By the way, the dishes are yummy! I took some of the pictures and would like to post it up:

This is the first dish, Mee Suan. If you like intestine you may like this dish.
It taste good to me.

This is call "Oh Jian" (Oyster Fried Egg) with some special sauce on top. Overall it taste so-so only. Maybe too much of the sauce taste and "xu fan".

A nice appetizer to order and it taste nice especially when it hot. Suggest to share with 4-5 people because it is too much for 2 person.

This is Tomato Fish Fillet + Eggs with side dish and pork mince rice. It's look yummy and even the person next to our table ask us what dish is this and they end up ordered the same set with us.


Yes! She's the special one who treat me this delicious meal!
Thank you very much! Arigator!

I appreciate the dinner! Besides, the most important is you show me how special I am by getting me as the first one to share the happiness with you!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Treasure Hunter

There will be a Treasure Hunt in Malacca on 3rd and 4th April 2010!

The Team from Let's Go Group!!

Strategy Plan & Role Description:

Wing Hoe - Super Driver

- Look for hint
- Provide Super Fast Speed
- Able to make last minute cornering if requested
- Preferable know how to "Piu Yi"

Quan Yee - Super Navigator

- Look for hint
- Provide Super accurate direction
- Must know the direction to the Siham stall

Hau Shen - Treasure Hunter (Right Wing)

- Look for hint
- Focus on the hint at right side of the car
- Practice how to hold the trophy
- Eat a lot a lot of Siham

Tracy - Treasure Hunter (Center Point)

- Look for hint
- Focus on the hint at the middle/front of the car
- Get internal information about which team is treasure hunt pro in order to follow them all the way

Kay - Treasure Hunter (Left Wing)

- Look for hint
- Focus on the hint at the left side of the car
- Assist SS in spoiling other competitors' plan

Choon Ming - Super Spoiler (Back)

- Look for hint
- Mess up the other competitors' plan
- Pay attention to other competitors car in order to recognize which cars are pro and which cars are noob.
- Create as many obstacles to slow down or destroy others' car (as agressive as playing DoTA)


Here the Gentlemen!

Here the Ladies!

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let's GO!


有时候歌可以表达一种心情,一种感觉, 也可以让内心产生微妙的转变。




Hau Shen in the Wonderland

I wonder, how if Hau Shen in the Wonderland? this thought came to me after I watched "Alice In The Wonderland" with Let's Go Group yesterday night. It's pretty interesting because things happen here is all out of the usual logic that we thought. Animals can talk with each others in human language, cat can turn invisible, and the most interesting part is we can change our body size just like change clothes in this wonderland.

No doubt for me to get "Grow Cake" first if I'm in the wonderland. It can make me grow taller than what I used to have right now. Haha... another 10cm would be the best. however, hopefully the cake is not too tasty or else I finish the whole cake and overly grow. Try to imaging when a 500cm Hau Shen standing in front of you. Oh gosh... that's too odd. Can even compare with Ultraman height already.

If I'm in the wonderland, I believe this so called Red Queen will kena from me "GAO GAO" since she is so yong sui cum acksy. I do not think that her army or the dragon can beat me if I'm with that huge size. Haha... that time I will knock her big butt head whenever I like.

Besides, This would be the pet for me best ever, The Cheshire Cat! A pet who can talk and with the special abilities, invisible. How cool to have a pet like this on the street!

Well, these are all fantasize but it's great to have a tour to wonderland, even through the wide screen.

But even greater was I have my time spent with the Let's Go Group. These are some pictures captured yesterday during the dinner before the movie.

Sei zai bao came late again...Haha...

Wen and I

I think Wing Hoe most probably Kap-ping Lui outside.

And two weeks later, we are going to have a treasure hunt in Melacca! Hopefully Wing Hoe is not Kap Lui during that time. Haha...

Friday, March 19, 2010




不要爱上我 - 温岚

怕你爱上我 不要爱上我
我眼眶的泪 闪烁在美丽的黑夜
怕你爱上我 不要爱上我
我给的不多 请你原谅我的脆弱
让你我 拥有自由
怕你爱上我 不要爱上我
我眼眶的泪 闪烁在美丽的黑夜
怕你爱上我 不要爱上我
我给的不多 请你原谅我的脆弱
让你我 拥有自由

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Night, All About The Feeling In UCSI

Night is always beautiful, accompany by a peaceful melody, it easily awaken the memories inside.

Another late night after work, as usual, I walked up to the hill. The effect of the music make me slow down my foot paces, look at this familiar setting. UCSI, a place where I have my memories as a students as well as a staff. Along the way, I passed by Block A, Library and Block C, the place that I used to have most of my class. In this moment, I feel so close to the feeling that I am a student and things happen just like in the past. Familiar faces, friends and peers are still around with me in the campus. Unfortunately, the feeling is just resemble my spirit for that very short moment.

Is not because working in UCSI is not pleasant, I get to know lots of new people, they are nice and I never regret to have them in my life. But then, I miss the past so much and it drive me crazy to strive for it. Every single moments in the past that I recall look vague yet so beautiful. However, I understand very well that this will never happen for the second time no matter how hard I attempt to get it.

I strongly believe that this is just the fact of living, there's nothing we can bring along with us for the entire life except memories. Memories is nice to remember but it will make us addicted to the past. It lead us to not enjoy the moment of NOW, which will turn into the PAST in the future. And the addiction will grow stronger continuously.

Lastly, I would like to thanks you all that I met in UCSI by entered my life and made my memories in UCSI filled with wonderful colors. Merci~!





没那麽简单 就能
找到 聊得来的伴
尤其是在 看过了那麽多的背叛
总是不安 只好强悍

没那麽简单 就能去爱 别的全不看
变得实际 也许好也许坏各一半
不爱孤单 一久也习惯
不用担心谁 也不用被谁管

别人说的话 随便听一听 自己做决定
在周末晚上 关上了手机 舒服窝在沙发里

相爱没有那麽容易 每个人有他的脾气
过了爱做梦的年纪 轰轰烈烈不如平静
幸福没有那麽容易 才会特别让人着迷
曾经最掏心 所以最开心 曾经

想念最伤心 但却最动心 的记忆

Monday, March 15, 2010




人生匆匆,所以我们必须懂得如何停下脚步, 去聆听心中的自己,来了解自己最想要的是什么,而不是追求一些别人所虚构出来的假想,而达到无可自拔的地步。


Sunday, March 14, 2010


每当回想起过去的时候, 总有一些常常出现的画面, 我已经列它们入"胜's 回忆录". 这个博客, post虽然不多, 却也埋藏许多过去的点点滴滴. 又一次的, 我想回到过去.

我想,我就像许多人一样, 刚开始写博客的时候, 非常兴起. 过了一阵, 积极的感觉就消失得无声无息了. 今天回头一看, 我已经好几年没写博客了. 重读以前的post, 发现一切都变了. 我已经从一名学生, 转变成一位工作人士. 多了一分理性, 少了一分感性. 周围的人都变了,都被现实给捆绑着, 也忘了当时简简单单的感觉.

然而, 对生命中擦身而过的人添增了几分想念. 此时此刻我只想回到过去, 回到过去! 啊.... 不能再想了, 要睡了, 要继续为明天奋斗了.
